Zelige Door on Golborne Road
Zelige Door on Golborne Road
Multisensory immersive installation by Alda Terracciano including 2D and 3D prints, photographs, objects, smells, tastes, sounds, augmented reality software, and video recordings of Moroccan people’s memories. 2017.
Between May and December 2016, Alda Terracciano engaged 44 members of the Moroccan community in West London in a series of Memory Sessions to explore their living heritage and everyday life. The process led to the creation of Zelige Door on Golborne Road, an interactive installation including a map populated by physical objects related to various aspects of Moroccan culture, each requiring a different sense to be experienced. Augmented Reality (AR) technology is used to superimpose onto the objects pre-recorded video narratives of community participants living, working or visiting Golborne Road and olfactory displays to reproduce familiar smells, offering a unique experience of the road represented as a living archive of cultural memories of the place.
Produced by Aldaterra Projects as part of Mapping Memory Routes of Moroccan Communities project. See a selection of memories here.
The installation was presented at:
- Rich Mix (arts venue), private view and project launch, London, 03.03.17
- Making Communities Work and Grow, sharing event, London, 24.03.17
- Blå Stället (arts venue), exhibition, Gothenburg, 25.04.17
- CHI 2017 Interactivity’s Demonstrations, Denver, CO, 6-11.05.17
- VRST 2017 (23rd ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology), VR/AR Demos, Chalmers University of Technology, 8-10.11.17
- The Curve (Grenfell Tower residents community centre), exhibition, London, 20-23.02.18
- Tate Modern, Tate Exchange programme, exhibition, London, 01-06.05.18
- UCL South Cloister, Heritage Week programme, exhibition, London, 27.03.19
- Museum of World’s Culture, exhibition, Gothenburg, 07.11.19
Artistic Director: Alda Terracciano
AR Developer: Mariza Dima
Olfactory Displays Engineers: Monica Bordegoni and Marina Carulli
Map printing: Kieran Walton and Catherine Stolarski
Cameraman: Jana Riedel
Cameraman Assistant: Radia Aadnan
Video Editor: Natalia Kouneli
Community Liaison: Abderrahman Elguerbouzi at MCWG
Moroccan Culture Advisor: Esma Dukali at Al-Hasaniya Centre
Photographer: Andy Wasley